Hi! I just discovered Star Breach this week and am super excited to try it out! I'm in the process of converting the members of my gaming group to try it out. We're going to do a test game this week and I've got a few questions before we get into the game.
I've been looking at playing the Nomadic Raiders, which use a bunch of equipment from the other factions. I was looking at using the "Warpaint" relic on a wandering mage and came up with the following issue. The warpaint grants +1M and +1I at the cost of 2A. I'm wondering if you can give it to the Wandering Mage as a Relic since the Wandering mage doesn't have 2A to lose. The base value is 1A. So what happens in this scenario?
1) Give them the relic and go to 0A
2) Give them the relic and go to -1A
3) Can't give them the relic because they don't have enough A to give
The other Relic I'm a little confused about is the Plasmid Glove for Mecs. It states "Gives the bearing mech the ability to use all psychic abilities from the Plasmids table, as well as the use of Relics" The psychic part is easy to understand but the end there states that the Mec now has the use of Relics. Does this mean they can take one Relic at cost? Multiple Relics at cost? Do they get one for Free like many Nomadic units? How are the relics supposed to work in this case?
I was going to ask where the campaign rules are but I think I just figured out they are in the deluxe pdf.
Thanks! I'm super excited it looks like a blast!
I've also been curious about what happens if certain modifiers/relics drop a soldier technically below 0 A. @STARBREACHCREATOR, do you know how that mechanic is supposed to be utilized potentially?
Oh! I forgot the school of time psychic powers question I had! So there are two powers in there one that swaps two soldiers and one that teleports a friendly soldier somewhere else. I assume the term soldier here means not a mech, but I just wanted to make sure that is what is intended. Thanks!